Social Report

Together with Employees (Human Rights / Employment) (3)

Work-life Balance

Achieving work-life balance is indispensable to help employees perform their jobs with peace of mind and exercise the full range of their abilities. For creating workplace environments where diverse employees can make active contributions and promoting career development, we have revised the work regulations and discussed and implemented multifaceted initiatives to create a comfortable workplace.

Retirement Planning Seminar, Future Life Planning Seminar

LINTEC holds a retirement planning seminar and a future life planning seminar, targeting different age groups, on a regular basis. These seminars aim to help employees learn about asset-building for a fulfilling future, including spending for life events, so that they can build a sound asset base and financial environment that will support them as they pursue their career. In view of ever-changing social circumstances and diversifying individual values, we will provide appropriate information to help our employees understand the importance of future life planning.

Employee Support Programs

Use of programs

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Program FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Family care leave program (persons) 0 1 0 1
Family care time off (persons) 2 3 3 1
Accumulated time off (persons) 92 71 104 275
Childbirth leave (persons) 20 14 25 15
Leave for spouse giving birth (persons) 51 56 67 28
Childcare leave (persons) 41 34 32 48
(Male employees) 3 3 7 37
Employees who were eligible to take childcare leave (persons) 90 76 99 74
(Male employees) 69 66 79 62
Employees who returned to work from childcare leave during the reported period (persons) 21 14 26 49
(Male employees) 2 3 7 37
Employees who were enrolled 12 months after their return to work from childcare leave (persons) 21 14 26 54
(Male employees) 2 3 7 31
Percentage of childcare leave taken (%) 21.6 15.8 32.3 64.9
(Male employees) 4.4 4.5 8.9 59.7
Return to work after taking time off for childcare leave (%) 100 93.3 100 100
Child nursing care time off program (persons) 13 7 4 4
Shorter hours / flex time (persons) 57 62 64 60
Paid social contribution time off (persons) 22
Total days of 40
Total days of 16
Total days of 23
Total days of 19.5
Percentage of paid leave taken (%) 66.5 61.7 63.5 72.7
Average number of days of paid leave taken 12.4 11.8 12.1 13.9
  • Note: Non-consolidated basis

indicates a leave system that can be used for the purpose of childcare

Mental Health Measures

The LINTEC Group has introduced a precautionary Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that provides employees with opportunities to obtain a mental health checkup once a year. Through this checkup, employees understand their own stress level, which is useful for personal mental health management. The manager of each business unit receives the results and analysis for employees in the unit, and takes appropriate improvement measures as needed. In fiscal 2022, the checkup was offered across the Group to a total of 3,693 employees, 97.5% of whom actually had it. The LINTEC Group has also set up an employee support hotline to which employees and their families can personally contact and talk confidentially with a specialist about their worries, including physical and mental health, childcare, nursing care, legal issues, or personal finances.
To improve the workplace environment, we have also established a harassment counseling desk in the form of a dedicated hotline staffed by an external service provider. Employees can call the hotline to seek advice from a clinical psychotherapist.

Precautionary EAP system overview

Precautionary EAP System Overview
  • Precautionary EAP: An employee program that aims to improve productivity through the creation of comfortable workplaces and by focusing on precautions for healthy employees in addition to addressing the concerns of employees who already have a health issue.

Company Vaccination Program

As part of its voluntary employee health programs, LINTEC recommends receiving a flu vaccination. We have arranged an appropriate setting in cooperation with industrial physicians to enable employees to receive vaccinations on company premises during work hours, which was a company-wide measure taken to provide an environment to allow employees to receive vaccines without worrying about disrupting their work. In fiscal 2022, as in 2021, the company offered to subsidize the cost of vaccinations for employees and their dependent family members in addition to the annual subsidy offered by the health insurance society.

Expansion of Eligibility for Breast Cancer Screening

As a measure to support its employees and their families to stay healthy and enjoy a fulfilling life, LINTEC offers a range of health checkup plans provided by the health insurance society. Those plans include breast cancer screenings for female employees and dependent family members aged 35 or older, offered on a request basis.

  • “Guidelines for health education focused on cancer prevention and cancer screening (partially revised on October 1, 2021)” of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan defines women aged 40 years and older as eligible.

Measures against Working Long Hours

LINTEC proactively promotes measures to ensure that employees can remain in good health. In order to prevent long working hours and late-night work, which impose an excessive physical and mental strain, we strive to ensure appropriate personnel assignment and the proper sharing of workloads, and that supervisors are responsible for managing the overtime of individual subordinates. In particular, we have introduced no-overtime days set in each workplace, flextime programs, and a discretionary labor system. Additionally, in fiscal 2019 the company adopted a work interval system and a work-from-home system. Work hour management has been enhanced, specifically by expanding the scope to the entire workforce, including executives and discretionary workers, adopting an attendance system that enables detailed labor management, and checking individual requests for overtime on a daily basis. As a result of these efforts, long working hours have been significantly reduced from the previous year. In addition, the Company provides employees with a mental checkup once a year to help them assess their stress level and manage their own mental health.

Anti-smoking Initiative

In July 2013, as a measure to improve the health of employees and their families as well as enhance productivity in the workplace, we started to offer health promotion incentives for non-smokers in line with the objective of the Health Promotion Act. To be eligible, employees must be non-smokers or have a record of 60 or more consecutive days of no smoking. A monthly incentive is offered based on a self-declaration basis.
At the end of March 2023, the percentage of incentive recipients stood at 67.9%, up 10.3% percentage points from the figure of 57.6% recorded in the year of introduction. We will continue with these efforts to provide a work environment that encourages employees to maintain their health.