Environmental Report

Management of Environmentally Hazardous Substances

The LINTEC Group complies with various environment-related laws and regulations in and outside Japan and strives to properly manage environmentally hazardous chemical substances.

Compliance with PRTR

LINTEC monitors emissions of PRTR-listed substances and makes particular efforts to reduce those of toluene, which it handles in large volumes. We have installed treatment facilities to reduce atmospheric emissions of organic solvents, and are making efforts to maintain their performance, which include conducting checks and cleaning and measuring emissions concentrations on a regular basis.
LINTEC will also introduce new treatment facilities with high treatment efficiency, such as enrichment equipment for low concentration solvent gas, which cannot be treated with existing facilities.

  • PRTR: Formally named the Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvement to the Management Thereof.

VOC Emissions Reduction

Recognizing the importance of reducing VOC emissions from the perspective of corporate air pollution prevention, the LINTEC Group is planning and implementing VOC emissions reduction measures.
As part of such efforts, we are working on switching to solvent-free release agents for release papers and solvent-free adhesives for adhesive products. By introducing facilities for the processing of solvent-free release paper, we will expand production of solvent-free products. For adhesion processes, we are facilitating adoption of water-based adhesives and hot melt adhesives.
We will continue to ensure reliable management of treatment facilities, manage the percentage of solvent-free products, and develop and promote sales of solvent-free products to further reduce our environmental impact.

  • VOC: VOC stands for volatile organic compounds. VOC collectively refers to organic compounds that become gas in the atmosphere.

Management of Chemical Substances, Compliance with EU Regulations

LINTEC has specified substances subject to environmental impact examinations, and examines these substances in the raw materials it purchases. The company properly grasps and manages its use of chemical substances to comply with related laws and regulations, and communicates information to customers.
For the REACH Regulation in particular, anticipating that additional substances will be included in the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs), for which information must be communicated, we will be ready to promptly obtain the proper information and take action accordingly.
We are stepping up our efforts to manage chemical substances contained in our products while also working on the provision of environmentally friendly products.

  • REACH Regulation: A chemical substance regulation in the EU on the “Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals.” Registration is required when exporting a chemical substance into EU states in quantities of one metric ton or more per year. Notification must also be submitted to the authorities when a chemical substance falling under the category of “candidate for required authorization” is present in a product at more than 0.1 percent of the mass of the object.

Chemical Leak Drills

The LINTEC Group conducts chemical spill drills at plants and research centers that handle chemical substances. The drills aim to enable employees to safely take steps in the event of a chemical spill to prevent it from extending beyond the boundaries of the premises and causing soil contamination, fires, and other incidents.

Proper Storage and Management of PCB

LINTEC previously managed and stored PCB waste, but completed its disposal in June 2019.

  • PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl): The Act on Special Measures concerning Promotion of Proper Treatment of PCB Wastes (PCB Special Measures Law) mandates the proper storage, management, and disposal of wastes containing PCB.