Corporate Policies

Quality, Environment and Business Continuity

LINTEC Group Quality, Environmental and Business Continuity Policies

Basic Policy

Dedicated to the company motto, "Sincerity and Creativity," and the LINTEC management philosophy, all employees in the LINTEC Group practice fair and innovative corporate activities to fulfill our responsibilities to society, including compliance with laws/regulations of Japan and beyond.
LINTEC subscribes to the following "Quality Policy," "Environmental Policy," "Business Continuity Policy," and "Action Guidelines" to ensure the practical execution of these activities.

Quality Policy

Returning to the basics of “Craftsmanship,” we shall focus on product quality and customer satisfaction in our efforts to develop, manufacture, and sell our products and contribute to society through business activities that enjoy the trust of all stakeholders.

Action Guidelines

  1. Strive to offer products and services that enhance customer satisfaction by accurately understanding and reflecting market needs and expectations.
  2. Make continuous efforts to improve quality to supply all customers with stable and high-quality products.
  3. Ensure quality from the development phase while strengthening the quality assurance and management system to increase customer trust.
  4. Develop human resources through systematic education to elevate our “craftsmanship” quality and offer products and services trusted by customers.
  5. Improve our products further by working with Group companies and business partners.

Environmental Policy

We work to pass down a healthy planet to the next generation. We prioritize the creation of environmentally friendly products, and actively make efforts to protect the global environment.

Action Guidelines

  1. Develop environmentally friendly products.
  2. Promote the effective use of resources and implement the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle).
  3. Work for global environmental preservation by managing the chemicals contained in our products.
  4. Strive to protect biodiversity.
  5. Take the initiative in environmental efforts and continuously improve our environmental activities using the PDCA (plan, do, check and act) cycle.

Business Continuity Policy

We work to create and continually improve the business continuity management system (BCMS) to minimize the impact of any risks that may lead to the interruption of business. Risks include, for instance, natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms and floods, and fires and pandemics.

Action Guidelines

  1. Place top priority on the safety of group employees and their families.
  2. Always remember disaster risk-reduction measures to minimize the impact of any disaster.
  3. In the event of a disaster, endeavor to quickly resume supplies of our main products to fulfill our responsibilities to our customers.
  4. Address social challenges from the perspective of the SDGs, as well as contribute to local communities.
  5. Provide continuous improvements in the BCMS through the PDCA plan-do-check-act) cycle.

Environmental Charter established April 10, 1992
Quality Policy established August 10, 1998
Quality and Environmental Policy established April 1, 2012
Quality, Environmental and Business Continuity Policy established September 1, 2013
Quality, Environmental and Business Continuity Policy revised January 1, 2014
Quality, Environmental and Business Continuity Policy revised April 1, 2014
Quality, Environmental and Business Continuity Policy revised April 1, 2020
Business Continuity Policy (Action Guidelines) revised August 7, 2020
Quality Policy revised April 1, 2024