Business Plan
May 2024
The Lintec Group has formulated a long-term vision, which spans through the fiscal year ending March 31, 2030, as well as its first three-year medium-term business plan toward achieving this vision, which launches in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.
To drive sustainable growth, the Group has now set a clear vision for the year 2030 and will formulate and implement a medium-term business plan every three years as a milestone on the road to the vision.
With a long-term vision to contribute to solving social issues through its business activities as a basic approach, the Lintec Group will work proactively on each key initiative from a sustainability perspective.
Long-term Vision“LSV 2030” Key Initiatives
- Environment: Help to shape a carbon-free, recycling-oriented world
- Society: Respect human rights, provide proper information disclosure to stakeholders, improve communication
- Governance: Strengthen corporate governance, further increase effectiveness of the Board of Directors
- Ensure that business activities help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- 2. Foster innovation to build a robust corporate structure
- Transform business processes including design, development, manufacturing, and logistics through digital transformation (DX)
- Install new production equipment through scrap and build, with the aim conserve energy, raise quality, increase efficiency and reduce labor
- Strengthen cost competitiveness with innovation in production processes
- Reform the structure of low-growth and unprofitable businesses and soundly manage Group companies
- Maintain a solid financial base and improve capital efficiency
- 3. Create new products and businesses to deliver sustainable growth
- Create new products and businesses driven by technological innovation
- Expand strategic investment and flexibly conduct mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
- Move aggressively to win a greater presence in the global market
- Establish localization
Financial indicators for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2030
Medium-term Business Plan “LSV 2030 - Stage 2” (April 2024 to March 2027)
Management targets for the fiscal year ending March 2027 (final year)
Activities in line with the key initiatives of the long-term vision
1. Solve social issues (Environment)
Environment |
Key activities at Stage 2 |
Help shape a carbon-free world |
- Change CO2 emission reduction target
(initial target: Achieve greater than 50% reductions by 2030 compared to FY2013)
- Stage 1 performance: 51%
Stage 2 target: greater than 67% / Stage 3 target: greater than 75%
Help shape a recycling-oriented world |
- Expand range of environmentally friendly products
- Further promote solvent-free adhesives and release agents
- Begin operating recycling system for release papers
Comply with the PRTR Act |
Reduce VOC (volatile organic compound) atmospheric emissions (zero by 2030)
Reduce use of organic solvents such as toluene and xylene and further reduce atmospheric emissions by using solvent treatment equipment
- Introduce high-efficiency equipment such as low-concentration solvent gas concentrators
- Reduce use of organic solvents by switching to solvent-free release agent formulas and adhesives
Pursue biodiversity preservation initiatives |
- Continue to plant trees and clean up beaches at domestic and overseas sites
- Plant trees and plants to create a forest at the Kumagaya Plant
1. Solve social issues (Society)
Society |
Key activities at Stage 2 |
Respect human rights |
- Strive to further raise awareness among employees concerning human rights and harassment
- Improve and implement questionnaire surveys and audits of suppliers
- Continue conducting employee surveys and organize kaizen activities
Provide proper information disclosure to stakeholders |
- Disclose information related to sustainability management
- Further enhance Sustainability Report and Integrated Report
Promote work-style reform initiatives |
- Improve the organization and workplace environments to raise employee motivation
- Ensure diversity in human resources
- Promote employment of persons with disabilities at business sites that have a person in charge of providing support to persons with disabilities
- Develop foreign personnel through overseas succession planning
- Improve and implement career advancement training for women
- Raise mandatory retirement age to 65 at Group companies in Japan
Promote the quality-first and customer-first approach |
Strive to develop, manufacture, and sell products based on the principles of quality, environmental friendliness, and safety to ensure that our business activities gain the trust of all stakeholders
- Issue action guidelines and ensure that all Group employees are fully aware thereof: “Identify and respond to customer needs earlier than our competitors in product development and service provision”
1. Solve social issues (Governance)
Governance |
Key activities at Stage 2 |
Strengthen corporate governance |
- Disclose information in line with the principles of the Corporate Governance Code
- Ensure that important matters related to Group governance were appropriately requested, decided, and reported
Further increase effectiveness of the Board of Directors |
- Further enhance management by adhering to a PDCA cycle for evaluating the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
- Raise the objectivity and transparency of management through consultation with the Nomination and Compensation Committee
- Implement training for directors and executive officers
Ensure the timely disclosure of corporate information and the transparency of management |
- Disclose ESG information to evaluation organizations and respond to surveys
- Enhance disclosure of information related to sustainability management
- Publish shareholders meeting convocation notices, annual securities reports, corporate governance reports, etc. on our sustainability site, IR site, etc.
Engage in constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors |
Actively engage in dialogue with shareholders and implement IR activities
- Share opinions and advice received through constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors and through our shareholder newsletter (WAVE) with management and put it to effective use
- Strengthen IR activities for individual and institutional investors
- Improve the Lintec IR site and Integrated Report
2. Foster innovation to build a robust corporate structure
Key activities at Stage 2 |
Optimize business portfolio through extensive restructuring |
- Assess the future growth potential, market competitiveness, and profitability of each business, and rebuild our portfolio
- Soundly manage Group companies in Japan and overseas
Strengthen QCD for existing businesses to make them highly profitable |
- Install new production equipment to conserve energy, raise quality, increase efficiency, and reduce labor through scrap and build
- Strengthen cost competitiveness with innovation in production processes
Transform business processes including design, development, manufacturing, and logistics through digital transformation (DX) |
- Drawing on data and digital technologies with AI and IoT, reinvent business processes and business models to create new products/services and strengthen our competitiveness
Maintain a solid financial base and improve capital efficiency |
- Clarify KPIs based on the balance sheets of each business unit to increase turnover of trade receivables, inventories, fixed assets, etc.
3. Create new products and businesses to deliver sustainable growth
Key activities at Stage 2 |
Create new products and businesses driven by technological innovation |
- Begin mass production of CNT pellicles for EUV lithography machines
- In connection with packaging technology downstream of advanced semiconductor production processes, develop new tapes and devices, offer original processes, and make them de facto standards
- Increase production capacity of semiconductor-related devices
- Launch new business under the Welsurt brand
- Create even more new products
- New-product sales ratio target: 27% (2030 target: 30% or more)
Move aggressively to win a greater presence in the global market |
- Further increase the overseas sales ratio 2020 result: 50% / 2023 result: 61% / 2026 target: 65%
- Establish localization
- Expand range and sales of products such as adhesive paper and adhesive film that are tailored to meet local needs
- Nurture talent capable of thriving on the world stage
- Secure new production bases, including through mergers and acquisitions
Main Initiatives for Each Business Segment
Printing and Industrial Materials Products |
Printing & Variable Information Products Operations
- Expand sales and increase profits in North America and Asia
- Take action for coexistence with the earth's environment and realization of a recycling-oriented society
Industrial & Material Operations
- Further enhance performance and expand sales of window films
- Develop new products and expand sales of systems that help mitigate labor shortages and improve production efficiency
Electronic and Optical Products |
Advanced Materials Operations
- Continue to make capital investments to meet demand as the electronics market grows
- In connection with packaging technology downstream of advanced semiconductor production processes, develop new tapes/devices and original processes
- Establish system for mass production of CNT pellicles for EUV lithography machines
Optical Products Operations
- Roll out adhesive products for optical displays
- Develop and expand sales of new products such as OCA (Optical Clear Adhesive) for automobiles
Paper and Converted Products |
Fine & Specialty Paper Products Operations
- Develop even more applications for oil-resistant paper
- Develop and expand sales of high-performance papers as alternatives to plastics
Converted Products Operations
- Step up overseas distribution of casting papers for synthetic leather
- Expand sales of casting papers for carbon fiber composite materials
Cashflow allocation for sustainable growth