- Investor Relations
- Management Policies
- Message from the President and CEO
April 2024
Starting Year of LSV 2030-Stage 2
We launched LSV 2030-Stage 1, our three-year medium-term business plan, in April 2021 to set us on the road to achieving the Lintec Sustainability Vision 2030 (LSV 2030) that clarifies our long-term vision for where the Group wants to be in 2030. We achieved record-high net sales and profit in the first year of the plan (ended March 31, 2022), and we achieved the management targets for the medium-term business plan’s final year (the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024) ahead of schedule. Although there were positive impacts from price revisions and the weakened yen, the environment remained extremely challenging due to the negative impacts from the sharp decline in orders for Electronic and Optical Products and other products from the second year onward as well as soaring raw material, fuel, and logistics costs.
Against this backdrop, starting in the current fiscal year (ending March 31, 2025), we have begun a new three-year medium-term business plan, LSV 2030-Stage 2, as our next milestone towards 2030. The Group has adopted operating profit margin and return on equity (ROE) as important indicators for both our long-term vision and medium-term business plan. To achieve an ROE that substantially exceeds the current cost of capital, we will aggressively invest in growth businesses, improve both asset and capital efficiency, and optimize our business portfolio, with the end goal of consistently achieving a PBR of over 1.0.
In addition, we will continue to strengthen our ESG-conscious sustainability management, such as promoting work-style reform and environmentally oriented adaptation aimed at realizing decarbonization and a circular economy. Furthermore, we are striving to create new products and businesses that will serve as pillars of growth as we strengthen the corporate structure through process innovation using digital transformation (DX) with the aims of enhancing corporate value and realizing a sustainable world. I would like to thank our shareholders and investors for their continued support in the years ahead.