Performance Highlights

(Millions of yen)
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Consolidated FY2024/3(results)
Net Sales 276,321 (2.9%)
Operating Income 10,628 (23.0%)
Ordinary Income 11,537 (26.1%)
Profit Atributable to Owners of Parent 5,243 (54.5%)

% is Year on Year

Performance overview for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024

During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, solid economic performance in the United States, supported by a favorable employment environment and robust personal consumption, helped bolster the global economy. Recovery in Europe remained sluggish due to monetary tightening policies intended to control inflation. The downturn in China’s real estate market continued to cast a shadow over personal consumption there, leading to a lackluster economy. In Japan, meanwhile, economic recovery was extremely slow due to flat personal consumption, which was impacted by the surging prices of food and daily necessities triggered by yen depreciation and other factors. Net sales benefitted from price adjustments, the weaker yen, and, from the third quarter on, a recovery in orders, mainly for semiconductor and electronic component products and adhesive products for seals and labels. However, the improvement in the second half failed to offset poor first-half performance, resulting in lower revenues than in the previous fiscal year. Profits also fell year on year, with the decline in sales volumes compounded by the persisting high cost of fuel and raw materials, such as pulp, and by reduced use of production equipment capacity due to fewer orders.

Segment overview for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024

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Printing and Industrial Materials Products (Year on Year)
Net Sales
million (down 2.5%)
Operating Income
million (-)
Net Sales
Operating Income
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Printing & Variable Infomation Products Operations (Year on Year)
Net Sales
million (down 4.9%)

Demand was strong in Japan for adhesive products for seals and labels in the logistics and mail-order businesses, but rising prices dampened overall demand, especially for food products. Demand also slumped for eye-catching labels and products used in beverage promotional campaigns. Overseas, sales volumes fell sharply in the US and China.

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Industrial & Material Operations
Net Sales
million (up 7.4%)

Demand in Japan for automobile-use adhesive products and devices for on-line sales remained solid. Sales of window film for construction and automobile and sales of automobile-use adhesive products held firm overseas in the US and India.

Segment operating income

We recorded an operating loss of 1,115 million yen, unchanged year on year, due in part to lower sales volumes in the US and the continuing high cost of key raw materials and the rising cost of logistics in Japan.

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Electronic and Optical Products (Year on Year)
Net Sales
million (down 5.3%)
Operating Income
million (down 6.4%)
Net Sales
Operating Income
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Advanced Materials Operations (Year on Year)
Net Sales
million (down 2.4%)

Orders received for semiconductor-related adhesive tape and semiconductor-related equipment and orders received for multilayer ceramic capacitor-related tape, all of which had recovered since the third quarter, failed to offset sluggish first half sales.

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Optical Products Operations (Year on Year)
Net Sales
million (down 16.2%)

Sales of optical display adhesive products remained weak due to intensifying competition and declining demand for products used in large screen TV units and smartphones.

Segment operating income

Operating income was 11,661 million yen, down 6.4% year, due in part to fewer orders received, which led to losses accompanying lower utilization rates at production facilities.

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Paper and Converted Products (Year on Year)
Net Sales
million (up 0.7%)
Operating Income
million (-)
Net Sales
Operating Income
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Fine & Speciality Paper Products Operations (Year on Year)
Net Sales
million (down 5.0%)

Despite solid sales of oil and water resistant paper, sales in the main product lines of color paper for envelopes and specialty paper for industrial use were sluggish.

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Converted Products Operations (Year on Year)
Net Sales
million (up 6.1%)

Despite tepid sales of release papers for adhesive products, recovery in demand for release papers for electronic materials was strong. Sales of casting papers for synthetic leather and casting papers for carbon fiber composite materials remained solid.

Segment operating income

Operating income, at 21 million yen (unchanged year on year) also stayed on par with the previous year, as price adjustments helped to offset continued high fuel costs and higher logistics costs.

Forecasts of consolidated business results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025

(Millions of yen)
  • Slide to view.
Consolidated FY2025/3(forecasts)
Net Sales 310,000 12.2%
Operating Income 24,000 125.8%
Ordinary Income 24,300 110.6%
Profit Atributable to Owners of Parent 17,000 224.2%

% is Year on Year