Sustainability Report 2023

Compliance TestThe compliance guidelines stipulated in this book are shared by all employees of the Lintec Group, translated, and available in seven languages.Sustainability Management Office, LINTEC Corporation April 2020 (Published) Before you do something, ask yourself the following questions and be certain that your actions comply with corporate policy. Regarding your planned actions: Would you be proud to talk to your family about it? Do you really believe what you’re doing is right? Do you think it is okay if nobody notices what you did? Can you report it to the company without changing anything? What would you think if you were a third party and saw the action reported in the news?October 2022 (Revised)our current conditions, and improve them.“Rinri Kawaraban Mamotte Masuka?” Vol. 13 and distributed it to all Group employees in Japan. We issue this booklet, which features the third generation “etiquette patrol dog” character, Mebuki, under the concept of making corporate ethics easier to understand and practice.Global Surveys on Human Rights and Labor StandardsThe LINTEC Group conducts a survey of all Group companies once a year to monitor working conditions and human rights. The survey covers a wide range of items, including legal compliance, elimination of discrimination, respect for human rights, underage employee prohibited, prohibition of forced labor, wages, working hours, dialogue and negotiation with employees, safe and healthy working environments, and human resource development and other items. As a result of the survey in February 2023★, it was confirmed that all sites comply with local and regional laws and regulations, that the LINTEC Group Compliance Guidelines are well understood by employees, and that LINTEC employees work in a healthy and safe working environment where their fundamental human rights are respected. Information SecurityLINTEC has developed Information Security Management Rules, and conducts an internal audit every year at each department based on the Information Security Operational Rules and Internal Audit Checklist. Since 2021, LINTEC has been performing an information security self-audit as part of its efforts to promote understanding and raise awareness among employees concerning information management.Given that inappropriate postings have become a social issue, LINTEC provides comprehensive education that includes points to note when using social media in a personal capacity, as well as internal rules on information management.Fostering a Sense of Ethics“Rinri Kawaraban,” which started in fiscal 2006, is an intranet ethics news column featuring senryu (short haiku-like poems) with an additional explanation to familiarize employees with standards for ethics and conduct. The poems are compiled into a biennial booklet, “Rinri Kawaraban Mamotte Masuka?” which is not only used internally but also introduced to suppliers and customers.We will continue this regular survey every year to understand In March 2023, we published the booklet For more detailed information, please visit our Sustainability website.LINTEC Governance ReportSearchCompliance with Antitrust Law and Prevention of CorruptionIn 2013, the LINTEC Group created an Antitrust Law Compliance Manual, copies of which were handed out to employees at sales divisions. The Group also provided relevant guidance to salespersons during legal training sessions, specifically referring to reported cases of violations at other companies involving cartel formation and resale price maintenance agreements.Awareness Raising with the Compliance GuidelinesAt the LINTEC Group, we issue a code of conduct booklet, the “Compliance Guidelines,” to enhance each employee’s compliance awareness. To ensure that our overseas employees can act with the same awareness, we have translated the booklet into seven languages and distributed it to all employees. Furthermore, we conduct CSR study sessions using the Compliance Guidelines.In December 2019, we published a Manual for Compliance with the Antitrust Law and the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors, which is a completely revised version of the aforementioned manual. The new manual was distributed to managers, including those of Group companies.Moreover, in March 2020, we compiled a “List of Do’s and Don’ts,” which illustrates potential legal risks existing in everyday duties.The Group also works to prevent bribery and corruption, incorporating the topic into the Compliance Guidelines, a booklet distributed to employees to raise their compliance awareness. COMPLIANCE GUIDELINESCOMPLIANCEGUIDELINESLINTEC GROUPLINTEC GROUP30Promoting Governance of the Entire Group

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