Sustainability Report 2023

● Legal compliance/Corporate ethics● Labor (Respect for human rights, working hours, ● Cost● Deadline● Survey request ● Provision of information on overseas industries, Regulation*1 (28th candidate list) and chemSHERPA*2 (version 2.06).activities from multiple perspectives, including respect for human rights, occupational health and safety, information security, and corporate ethics.underage employment prohibited safety/health, etc.) in the supplier questionnaire survey and ask for improvement when deemed necessary.cooperation with our suppliers.Green ProcurementFor procurement with lower environmental impact, the LINTEC Group is ensuring thorough chemical substance management for raw materials, parts, and secondary materials. We conduct investigations into substances contained not only in new materials that we procure for the first time but also in materials that we have continuously procured in order to ensure compliance with new regulations.In fiscal 2022, we conducted surveys based on the REACH CSR ProcurementLINTEC has established the LINTEC Procurement Policy, the LINTEC Green Procurement Policy, and the LINTEC Lumber Pulp Procurement Policy, all of which are based on CSR. Its procurement activities follow the Policies.Together with suppliers, we will continue to promote environmental protection activities and ensure control of chemical substances.We request suppliers, on various occasions, to ensure CSR We also confirm our suppliers’ CSR status (legal compliance, We will continue to improve procurement activities and enhance LINTEC Group’s ApproachConsidering all suppliers as “partners who should grow together with LINTEC,” the LINTEC Group strives to establish relationships built on trust with them. When selecting suppliers, we evaluate them appropriately based on the principle of free competition. We engage in fair and transparent transactions, and ensure legal and ethical compliance in our procurement activities.For more detailed information, please visit our Sustainability website.LINTEC Cooperating with SuppliersSearchResponsible Sourcing of MineralsLINTEC recognizes that conflict minerals*4 and other materials mined to fund armed conflict are a serious social problem, and rigorously investigates whether the materials it uses include metals from mines that are linked to armed groups. We will continue to confirm that our supply chain does not fund armed groups and to practice responsible mineral procurement that is free of conflict minerals that could be used to fund such groups. Survey items (Outline)Corporate managementManagement/LaborServiceBCPActions outside of Japan● Financial status● BCP*3● SDGs initiative● Information security● Information provision ● Accident status check wages, etc.)(Environment, material search, BCP, etc.)(Information on products, technology, industry, etc.)(Production site, product, logistics, etc.)compliance with overseas laws*1 REACH Regulation: A chemical substance regulation in the EU on the “Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals.” Registration is required when exporting a chemical substance into EU states in quantities of one metric ton or more per year. Notification must also be submitted to the authorities when a chemical substance falling under the category of “candidate for required authorization” is present in a product at more than 0.1 percent of the mass of the object.*2 chemSHERPA: A scheme, recommended by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, for communicating information about chemical substances contained in products. The mechanism is aimed at properly managing chemical substances contained in products across supply chains, from upstream to downstream, to ensure continued compliance with tighter regulations.*3 BCP: BCP stands for a Business Continuity Plan. It is a plan developed in advance to enable the minimization of damage and the continuation or early resumption of business in the event that a company encounters an emergency situation such as an accident or disaster.*4 Conflict Minerals: Metals derived from conflict minerals defined in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act include tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold (3TG). At LINTEC, cobalt and mica, which are not currently regulated by law, are also classified as conflict minerals.26Supply Chain

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