Sustainability Report 2023

Takeshi KaiyaOfficer in charge of promoting the SDGs CommitteeDirector, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Executive General Manager, Business Administration DivisionTakeshi KaiyaOfficer in charge of promoting the Corporate Risk Management CommitteeDirector, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Executive General Manager, Business Administration DivisionToday, companies are required more than ever to serve as a public organ of society. In the aspect of “society,” we are required to create a company that places respect for human rights at the center of its corporate activities, allows all members of the company to play active roles, and contributes to the sustainability of society as a whole. At LINTEC, I think it is necessary to develop a human resources strategy that is linked to the management strategy, and to promote so-called “human capital management.” In terms of “governance,” as the weakening earning power of Japanese companies has been pointed out, it is necessary to enhance management and communication capabilities by employing the opinions of outsiders. I think it is particularly important to continue to implement PDCA through an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and to examine corporate governance measures from the perspective of investors. The Social & Governance Committee is committed to discussing measures to achieve these goals and actively promote them through the three relevant subcommittees and departments in charge.Tsunetoshi MochizukiOfficer in charge of promoting the Social & Governance CommitteeDirector, Senior Managing Executive Officer,Executive General Manager, General Affairs & Human Resources DivisionSocial & Governance CommitteeIn fiscal 2022, it confirmed the progress of internal briefings and various preparatory operations related to company-wide measures, such as the age 65 retirement system (operation started in April 2023) and the employee survey (introduced in January 2023), while also being committed to important individual themes, such as increasing the percentage of male employees who take childcare leave.Corporate Ethics SubcommitteeThe Corporate Ethics Subcommittee published Rinri Kawaraban, with the aim of fostering, disseminating and establishing business ethics, and created ethics awareness posters. It also presented examples of ethics-related cases from other companies with commentary in order to learn from them. Social Contribution SubcommitteeThe Social Contribution Subcommittee aims to help the LINTEC Group act as a good corporate citizen within its local communities and the global community by promoting realistic activities that will contribute to the sustainable development of society. Although some events were cancelled due to COVID-19, we carried out activities that we were able to at the time, such as sponsoring events to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Itabashi city.Diversity & Work Style Reform Promotion SubcommitteeEstablished on 1 April 2022, the Diversity & Work Style Reform Promotion Subcommittee aims to contribute to strengthening corporate structure by identifying internal and external needs, and by disseminating measures and programs and raising awareness about our diversity and work style reforms. This year, it produced and distributed the Handbook on How to Use Support Systems (Vol. 4) to provide easy-to-understand explanations of various HR systems.Aiming to contribute to solving various social issues through our mainstay business activities, the committee recruits members from across the company regardless of occupation, age, and gender to address the task of creating new business ideas.I hope that the members will later communicate the knowledge, experience, examination techniques, etc. that they have obtained through this initiative at their own workplaces. By doing so, it is expected that efforts regarding SDGs will spread throughout the Group not as special actions but as ordinary ones.Regarding the created business ideas, we hold discussions with the New Project Planning Office and the Next-Generation Technological Innovation Group, and promote their commercialization as products or businesses.The Corporate Risk Management Committee comprises members who are executive general managers and general managers of offices under the direct control of the president. The committee identifies various business risks in the era of VUCA*, comprehends their actual situation and discusses countermeasures, and provides feedback to business sites after reporting to and obtaining approval from the Sustainability Committee, thereby preventing problems from occurring.In line with our company accelerating the global expansion of its business, we will continuously identify risks and opportunities while complying with the laws and regulations of relevant countries and understanding differences in business practices and cultures.SDGs CommitteeA group tasked with generating business ideas, and another group tasked with conducting in-depth research started their activities in July 2021. While both groups were restricted in their activities due to the pandemic, the former held a meeting to make recommendations, while the latter held a briefing to make proposals to management. As a result, a work flow was created to consult and collaborate with existing departments responsible for setting up new businesses, and to involve more people in promoting initiatives.Corporate Risk Management CommitteeIn fiscal 2022, the Corporate Risk Management Committee held six regular meetings and discussed a contingency involving Taiwan, and instructed the relevant departments to make preparations for an emergency. During periodic risk identification, the committee identified risks related to product sales from supervisors in sales and related departments, and implemented necessary response measures, such as enhancing product sales management. * VUCA: An acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, describing the situation and the characteristics of a time in which it is difficult for society and business to predict the future.11

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