LINTEC Integrated Report 2021

Within 1 year¥ 1,5161,217—¥ 2,734Within 1 year$13,70011,000—$24,700Within 1 year¥ 1,5809,240—¥10,820Over 3 years within 4 years¥——―¥―Over 3 years within 4 years$——―$―Over 3 years within 4 years¥ ——544¥5442021Carrying value¥6332021Within 1 year¥ 61,80264,636¥126,439583,840$1,142,074Note 1: Method of computing the fair value of financial instruments, securities and derivatives(1) Cash and deposits; (2) Trade notes and accounts receivable Since these items are settled in a short period of time and have fair values that are virtually the same as the carrying value on the ledger, the carrying value has been used.(3) Investment securities The market value of investment securities is determined by the price of the stock traded on an exchange market. (4) Trade notes and accounts payable; (5) Short-term loans payable; (6) Accrued income taxes Since these items are settled in a short period of time and have fair values that are virtually the same as the carrying value on the ledger, the carrying value has been used.(7) Long-term loans payable The fair value of long-term loans payable is measured as the net present value of estimated cash flows by discounting the amount of principal and interest value using the assumed interest rate applied to a new similar loan. The fair value of long-term loans payable with variable interest rates hedged by interest rate swaps subject to the special treatment or interest rate and currency swaps subject to the total treatment are calculated based on the net present value of the total amount of principal and interest, accounted for together with the interest rate swap or interest rate and currency swap transactions, discounted by the interest rate rationally estimated for a similar loan. (8) DerivativesPlease see Note 12, “Derivatives.”Note 4: Planned redemption amounts after the balance sheet date for borrowings were as follows:Short-term loans payableCurrent portion of long-term loans payableLong-term loans payable TotalShort-term loans payableCurrent portion of long-term loans payableLong-term loans payable TotalShort-term loans payableCurrent portion of long-term loans payableLong-term loans payable TotalNote 2: Financial instruments for which obtaining the fair value is deemed to be extremely difficult:Unlisted stocksNote 3: Planned redemption amounts after the balance sheet date for held-to-maturity securities and receivables were as follows:Cash and depositsTrade notes and accounts receivable TotalOver 1 year within 2 years¥   — —1,217¥1,217Over 2 years within 3 years¥   ——1,328¥1,328Over 1 year within 2 years$    — —11,000$11,000Over 2 years within 3 years$    ——12,000$12,000Over 1 year within 2 years¥   ——1,197¥1,197Over 2 years within 3 years¥ ——544¥544Thousands of U.S. dollars2021Carrying value$5,718 The unlisted stocks in the preceding table do not have market values, and as estimating their future cash flows is deemed to be extremely difficult, they are not included in the above table “(3) Investment securities.”Millions of yen2020Carrying value¥583Thousands of U.S. dollars2021Within 1 year$  558,234Millions of yen2020Within 1 year¥ 57,16662,896¥120,063Millions of yen2021Over 4 years within 5 years¥——―¥―Over 5 years¥ ———¥—Thousands of U.S. dollars2021Over 4 years within 5 years$——―$―Over 5 years$———$—Millions of yen2020Over 4 years within 5 years¥———¥—Over 5 years¥— ——¥—86

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