LINTEC Integrated Report 2021

Amid calls for decarbonization as a means to combat climate change, LINTEC aims to reduce emissions of substances that harm the environment, such as CO2, by installing new equipment and changing product formulas across the Group. We are developing environmentally friendly products by reducing plastic in products and creating plastic-free products.LINTEC is converting its plants from heavy oil to gas fuel for its energy needs, and actively investing in measures to reduce envi-ronmental load, such as installing exhaust gas processing equip-ment and solar panels.To reduce the amount of plastic used in products, LINTEC is devel-oping paper products instead of plastic while working to expand its lineup of products that use recycled PET film and plant-derived biomass materials.By developing and increasing sales of window film that effectively insulates against heat simply by applying the film to building and car windows, LINTEC is helping to conserve energy and reduce electricity usage by keeping temperatures from rising inside build-ings and cars.LINTEC Integrated Report 20213Initiatives at LINTECCapital Investment for Environmental IssuesReduced-Plastic and Plastic-Free ProductsEnergy-Saving Products

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