LINTEC Integrated Report 2021

Medium-term Business PlanLSV 2030-Stage 2April 2024 to March 2027On the social front, while respecting human rights, the LINTEC Group seeks to be highly regarded for its business activities by disclosing information in a timely manner to build good relationships with stakeholders. For work-style reforms, the Company promotes diversity, including in its systems, while encouraging employees to balance work with life, such as by teleworking. In addition to putting quality and customers first, we aim to provide products and services that exceed the expec-tations of our customers, ultimately improving corporate value. In terms of governance, the Company aims to improve the effectiveness of its Board of Directors by proactively appointing outside directors who have objective viewpoints, a wealth of knowledge, and extensive experience. We intend to strengthen governance by ensuring appropriate information disclosure and transparency, as well as by enhancing and advancing construc-tive dialogues with shareholders and investors. As for the SDGs, we are accelerating efforts centered on the SDGs Committee, a Companywide organization that was created in 2018. We aim to be a group of companies that can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs through our busi-ness activities.Medium-term Business PlanLSV 2030-Stage 3April 2027 to March 2030Medium-term Business PlanLSV 2030-Stage 1Target for Reducing CO2 EmissionsAt least 50% by 2030 compared with fiscal 2013 level*1 ESG: Environmental, social, and governance—three fields that companies should focus on to sustain growth*2 SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals. Adopted at the U.N. Summit in 2015, the SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets for achieving a sustainable society.Solve Social IssuesThe first initiative is to help solve social issues by stepping up our efforts in ESG*1 and the SDGs.*2 In its environmental initia-tives, which are our contribution to achieving a carbon-free world, the LINTEC Group aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% or more by 2030, compared with the fiscal 2013 level, and achieve net zero emissions by 2050 through the installation of solar power and cogeneration systems at its production bases, as well as through the utilization of green electricity from renewable energy sources. Furthermore, the Company is building a recycling system for release paper and release film and expanding the range of recyclable products, biomass products, and biodegradable products with the intention of moving closer to a recycling-oriented world. In addition, the Company aims for zero atmospheric emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by 2030 through the use of high-performance exhaust gas processing equipment, while also moving toward solvent-less products in the coating process for adhesives and release agents. Basis of the Long-term VisionWe formulate and execute medium-term business plans a every three years as milestones toward achieving our vision for 2030. LINTEC Integrated Report 2021April 2021 to March 2024The basic policy of LSV 2030 is to contribute to realizing a sustainable world by strengthening the corporate structure through innovation and creating new products and businesses for sustainable growth, with the following three key initiatives and financial indicators.17Outline of the Long-term Vision LSV 2030

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