Integrated Report 2020

44LINTEC Integrated Report 2020FoundationEnvironmentThe LINTEC Group uses large amounts of raw materials, fossil fuels, water, and other materials to manufacture products. We are working to fulfill our responsibilities as a manufacturer by reducing the environmental impact of our operations and developing environmentally friendly products.*1 PRTR system: The Pollutant Release and Transfer Register system that requires companies to estimate the volume of chemical substances they have released and transferred in waste and report the data to the government*2 Scope 1: Direct CO2 or other greenhouse gas emissions from the consumption of purchased gas and liquid fuels, such as liquid natural gas (LNG), liquid petro-leum gas (LPG), utility gas, kerosene, light oil, and gasoline*3 Scope 2: CO2 or other greenhouse gas emissions generated by other companies in the production of energy, such as electricity and steam, purchased by the reporting companyNotes1: The numerical data in the environmental report has been compiled from the following organizations: LINTEC Corporation’s Head Office, 10 production sites, and Research Center, and TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.2: For industrial-use water, although tons were used for initial calculations, figures have been converted into cubic meters in this report.Material Flow (Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020)EBreakdown of CO2 emissionsRawmaterialsEnergyWaterPulp108,900tonsPaper34,900tonsFilms33,000tonsAdhesive20,800tonsRelease agents2,300tonsOrganic solvents9,400tonsOther chemicals35,700tonsMechanical parts, etc.500tons8,789,000Industrial-use waterm355,000Fuel (crude oil equivalent)klPurchased electricity(Crude oil equivalent 36,000 kl)143,000MWh56,000 MWh(Crude oil equivalent 14,000 kl)Self-generated electricityRaw material procurementR&DSalesManufacturingBusiness Activities of the LINTECGroup Emissions into the atmosphereRelease intowater bodiesProductsWaste70,200tons38,400tons101,900tons1,100tons163,100tons8.7tons38.8tons1.2tons500tons6,589,000 m328,100tonsAdhesive-relatedequipmentWastegenerated11,800tons7,100• Effective external utilization4,600• Incineration100• Final landfill disposaltonstonstons9,600tons6,800tonsCO2Effluent (Kumagaya Plant, Mishima Plant)SOxNOxSoot and dustSubstances subject to the PRTR system*1Convertedproducts(release paper, etc.)Specialty papersAdhesive productsWaste emittedEffective internal utilizationSale of valuable materialsScope 2*372,800 tonsIndirect emissions from energy• Purchased electricity90,300 tonsScope 1*2Direct emissions• Bunker-A oil• Utility gas• LPG, etc.OUTPUTINPUT

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