Integrated Report 2020

LINTEC Integrated Report 202043Note: Organizations covered in results: [A] LINTEC (non-consolidated); [B] LINTEC Group; [C] LINTEC, TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.; [D] LINTEC Head Office, 10 production sites, Research Center; [E] LINTEC production sites (excluding Ina Technology Center), Research Center*1 LCA (Life Cycle Assessment): A method for comprehensively assessing effects on the environment by calculating items such as the amount of energy and water input, the amount of raw materials used, and the amount of CO2 and hazardous chemical substances emitted throughout a product’s lifecycle*2 Human rights due diligence: A process that an organization follows in order to identify, prevent, and deal with adverse human rights impacts in advanceMaterialitySpecific ActionsKPIs and Results in the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2020Related SDGsGovernanceOperating global governanceEnhance global governance(1) Use of consultation contact points in and outside Japan: 3 cases [B](2) Results of audits by the internal audit division according to local laws and regulations and internal standards: No serious findings [B]EnvironmentEffectively using raw materialsProcure materials that will help to reduce environmen-tal impact based on the LINTEC Procurement PolicyVolume of organic solvents used: 18,000 t [A]Reducing atmospheric emissionsReduce emissions into the atmosphere based on our medium-term environmen-tal target(1) CO2 emissions from business activities in Japan: 163,100 t [C](2) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emissions from business activities in Japan: 869 t [E]Making environmental contributions through products and servicesDevelop and spread envi-ronmentally friendly prod-ucts through LCA*1Number of environmentally friendly products developed: 59 products [A]Ensuring environmental complianceEnsure and manage envi-ronmental compliance using the environmental management systemNumber of serious violations of environmental laws and regulations: 0 violations [D]Labor practicesEnsuring occupational safety and healthConduct activities to ensure occupational safety accord-ing to the occupational safety and health manage-ment system(1) Number of occupational accidents and accidents resulting in absence from work: 4 accidents [C](2) Working hours with no occupational accidents: Please refer to page 50 [C]Achieving workplace diversityRespect the diversity of employees and provide rewarding workplaces(1) Ratio of female managers: 13% [B](2) Return to work after taking time off for childcare leave: 100% [A] Improving employee satisfactionBuild working environ-ments where employees feel motivated to workTurnover in three years of employees hired as new graduates: 12.6% [A]SocietyConducting human rights due diligence*2Respect human rights and determine risks throughout the supply chainNumber of responses to supplier survey: 107 companies [A]Ensuring social complianceInstill and ensure Groupwide complianceResponse rate for survey to identify risks distributed to officers and managers: 82.0% [B]Ensuring product complianceUse the quality manage-ment system to eliminate and prevent accidentsNumber of serious product accidents reported: 0 accidents [C]Making contributions to sustainable consumptionPublicize the effects of environmentally friendly products to stakeholdersNumber of exhibitions participated in as an exhibitor in and outside Japan: 47 times [B]Achieving harmonious co-existence with local communitiesIntroduce social contribu-tion activities for local communities as a good corporate citizen(1) Number of participants on plant tours: Total of 800 persons [C](2) Implementation of social contribution activities: Please refer to page 51 [B]Contribution to businessDeveloping business models for local pro-duction & sales in emerging countriesConduct R&D for products intended for local procure-ment and for resolving social issuesDevelopment of a system for registering local raw materials at sites outside Japan: Search system for global raw material information man-agement under development [B]Entering new business fields Number of patent applications: 354 applications [A]Under reviewFinancial InformationStrategyOverviewFoundation

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