Integrated Report 2019

53LINTEC INTEGRATED REPORT 2019Local clean-up activitiesMangrove Planting ActivitiesIndonesia has the largest area of mangrove forest in the world, but in recent years, due to the creation of shrimp nurseries and to port development, the felling of mangrove trees has progressed and encroachment upon coastal areas has become a problem. At PT. LINTEC INDONESIA, we have implemented mangrove planting activities every year since 2016. These activities reflect close ties to the local commu-nity. With the cooperation of PT. LINTEC JAKARTA, local residents, and a local fisheries college, 8,500 trees have been planted over four years. The growth of the mangroves is periodically confirmed, and those that look as if they might be submerged are replanted. As a result of these types of initiatives, many seedlings are recording favorable growth.our products. Additionally, we request that these suppliers introduce a business continuity plan and establish a system for implementing it on an organization-wide basis.Fair TransactionsThe basic policy of the LINTEC Group is to conduct fair and trans-parent transactions with suppliers based on the principle of free competition. We conduct procurement activities in compliance with laws and social norms. In addition, we ask suppliers to consistently implement CSR activities from multiple perspectives, including respect for human rights, occupational health and safety, informa-tion security, and corporate ethics. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019, we continued working to maintain and strengthen partner-ships and to promote CSR procurement. Through the distribution of a questionnaire, we evaluated major suppliers in such areas as management, labor, service, quality, and the environment.Social Contribution ActivitiesRecognizing that it is a member of society and that society and local communities support it, the LINTEC Group returns some of the profits from corporate activities to society through various social contribution activities.LINTEC conducts some support activities on an annual basis for people with disabilities living in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, where the Company’s head office is located. In May 2018, we held our 12th professional baseball-viewing event, inviting a total of 684 people to Tokyo Dome, including people with disabilities and their helpers as well as elementary school students from local youth baseball teams and their family members. In October 2018, we held a jazz concert as an event to deepen exchange through music without regard to disability status. About 600 people, including people with disabilities and members of the local community, enjoyed the event. We also organize blood drives and support disaster area restoration efforts.As well as head office activities, LINTEC engages in various social contribution activities rooted in local communities, such as cleaning up around each work site, participating in and supporting local festivals, and conducting plant tours. Overseas, our subsidiar-ies plant trees, give donations to those in need of assistance, and provide volunteers for a range of activities. The LINTEC Group will coexist with society by continuing to engage in social contribution activities as a good corporate citizen.A jazz concert for members of the local communityFinancial InformationESGStrategyOverview

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