
37LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018FINANCIAL INFORMATIONESGSTRATEGYOVERVIEWSocietyIn continuing and expanding business activities, creating favorable relationships with all stakeholders is indispensable. The LINTEC Group is advancing initiatives with the aim of establishing employee-friendly workplaces, strengthening partnerships with customers and suppliers, and providing stable supplies of high-quality products. Further, we are actively tackling social contribution activities.Respect for Diversity and Human RightsThe LINTEC Group avoids discriminatory treatment of employees based on race, creed, gender, education, nationality, religion, or age, thereby respecting diversity. In the areas of recruitment and employment, the Group complies strictly with labor laws and regu-lations, including the prohibition of unfair discrimination, child labor, and harassment, and endeavors to promote an environment where all employees can go about their work in a positive and energized frame of mind. Every year, we conduct a Groupwide survey of human rights and working conditions. As well as checking compliance in Japan and overseas, the surveys confirm that com-panies are respecting basic human rights and providing safe, healthy workplaces.We have a helpline through which employees can consult with the General Affairs & Human Resources Div. or a lawyer if they have any concerns or have witnessed illegal behavior in the work-place. Access was extended to overseas Group companies in 2015 and an English-language helpline is also available.Employee EducationLINTEC has a Companywide training system based on rank, as human resource education programs tailored to years of continuous service and career. To foster a globally oriented workforce and advance the careers of female employees, we also run theme-specific group and correspondence courses to promote objectives such as second-language acquisition and encouraging women to take on a more active role in the workplace. We spend approximately ¥30 million on employee training and development annually. In other initiatives, the Company’s intranet offers e-learning programs to increase all our employees’ understanding of topics such as the environment, product quality, the business continuity management system, compliance, and CSR.Zero Accident CultureSafety is the top priority in LINTEC Group plants, which are oper-ated with the aim of preempting injuries to personnel. Our prac-tices include risk assessment, which enables us to put safety standards in place; hazard prediction exercises; and the rigorous pursuit of our 5S* activities through various types of safety patrol. Safety and hygiene committees hold monthly meetings at all our sites in Japan and overseas to enable us to ascertain progress in our safety activities and share information. In addition, since 2017 we have held a safety conference for domestic plant safety officers for the exchange of information about each plant’s initiatives. We will continue activities on multiple fronts in accordance with our zero accident culture.*5S: Seiri (organizing), Seiton (clearing up), Seiso (cleaning), Seiketsu (cleanliness), and Shitsuke (discipline) in JapaneseCareer development training for female employeesSafety inspection tour by the President

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