Corporate Brochure

■■環境に関する方針の策定や施策の立案 および遂行Establishment of environmental policy and the planning and execution of measuresEnvironmental CommitteeTCFD Subcommitteeサステナビリティ委員会Sustainability Committee環境委員会TCFD分科会Sustainability 当社では、事業活動を通じてさまざまな社会的課題の解決に貢献し、社会と共に発展・成長を遂げていこうという ビジョンを掲げ、サステナビリティ経営を推進しています。経営層を中心に構成されたサステナビリティ委員会、社長直轄のサステナビリティ推進室および全社横断的組織である各委員会・分科会を軸に、ESGやSDGsに関する諸施策やリスク管理、ステークホルダーとのコミュニケーション強化などについて議論を重ね、持続的成長の実現に向けた取り組みに注力しています。Sustainability Disclosure SubcommitteeCorporate Ethics Subcommitteeサステナビリティ経営の基本方針の策定や施策の立案および検証Establishment of basic policy for sustainability management and the planning and verification of measures社会・ガバナンスに関する方針の策定や 施策の立案および遂行Establishment of social and gover-nance policy and the planning and execution of measuresCorporate Risk Management CommitteeSocial Contribution Subcommittee全社的なリスクと機会の把握および 対応方針の策定Comprehension of Groupwide risks and opportunities and establishment of policies to respond to themDiversity&Work Style Reform Promotion Subcommittee社会的課題の解決に向けた新製品・ 新規事業の検討Consideration of new products and businesses that solve social issuesSDGs委員会SDGs Committeeサステナビリティ推進体制 ( ■■■■年■月■日現在 )Sustainability promotion system ( As of April ■, ■■■■ )LINTEC practices sustainability management under the vision of contributing to solving various social issues through our busi-ness activities and developing and growing with society. We are focusing on initiatives aimed at realizing sustainable growth, such as risk management and the reinforcement of communica-tion with stakeholders, and various measures related to ESG and the SDGs, through discussions held by the Sustainability Committee, which mainly comprises members of management; the Sustainability Management Oce, which reports directly to the president; and the committees and subcommittees consist-ing of members from all areas of the Company.サステナビリティ委員会事務局(サステナビリティ推進室)Sustainability Committee Secretariat (Sustainability Management Oce)全社リスク管理委員会社会貢献分科会サステナビリティ開示分科会社会・ガバナンス委員会Social & Governance Committee企業倫理分科会ダイバーシティ・働き方改革促進分科会We practice sustainability management with the aim of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.サステナビリティサステナビリティ経営を推進し、持続可能な社会の実現に 貢献していきます。

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