Business Plan

Business Plan

May 2023

The Lintec Group has formulated a long-term vision, which spans through the fiscal year ending March 31, 2030, as well as its first three-year medium-term business plan toward achieving this vision, which launches in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.

To drive sustainable growth, the Group has now set a clear vision for the year 2030 and will formulate and implement a medium-term business plan every three years as a milestone on the road to the vision.

With a long-term vision to contribute to solving social issues through its business activities as a basic approach, the Lintec Group will work proactively on each key initiative from a sustainability perspective.

Business Plan

Long-term Vision“LSV 2030” Key Initiatives

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  • 1. Solve social issues
  1. Environment: Help to shape a carbon-free, recycling-oriented world
  2. Society: Respect human rights, provide proper information disclosure to stakeholders, improve communication
  3. Governance: Strengthen corporate governance, further increase effectiveness of the Board of Directors
  4. Ensure that business activities help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • 2. Foster innovation to build a robust corporate structure
  1. Transform business processes including design, development, manufacturing, and logistics through digital transformation (DX)
  2. Install new production equipment through scrap and build, with the aim conserve energy, raise quality, increase efficiency and reduce labor
  3. Strengthen cost competitiveness with innovation in production processes
  4. Reform the structure of low-growth and unprofitable businesses and soundly manage Group companies
  5. Maintain a solid financial base and improve capital efficiency
  • 3. Create new products and businesses to deliver sustainable growth
  1. Create new products and businesses driven by technological innovation
  2. Expand strategic investment and flexibly conduct mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
  3. Move aggressively to win a greater presence in the global market
  4. Establish localization

Financial indicators for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2030

Financial indicators for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2030

Medium-term Business Plan “LSV 2030 – Stage 1” (April 2021 to March 2024)

Main Initiatives for Each Business Segment

  • Slide to view.
Printing and Industrial Materials Products
  • Printing & Variable Information Products Operations
    • Expand production bases and strengthen sales capabilities overseas, including the U.S. and Asia
    • Pursue initiatives to coexist harmoniously with the environment and help build a recycling-oriented world
  • Industrial & Material Operations
    • Expand sales of window films and develop high-performance products in Japan and overseas
    • Expand sales of automated systems centered on labeling technology
Electronic and Optical Products
  • Advanced Materials Operations
    • Expand market share of semiconductor- and electronic component-related products through active investment
    • Develop thin-film, high-density, multilayer products for next-generation device manufacturing processes
  • Optical Products Operations
    • Develop and expand sales of new Optical Clear Adhesive (OCA) products
    • Enter new markets for light diffusion films
Paper and Converted Products
  • Fine & Specialty Paper Products Operations
    • Develop and expand sales of new products that promote deplasticization and reduce food loss
    • Roll out new applications by strengthening competitiveness of existing products
  • Converted Products Operations
    • Promote solvent-less and polyethylene-free release paper
    • Develop and expand sales of casting papers for an enamel finish and automotive synthetic leather
LINTEC  Group's Target for Reducing CO2 Emissions

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